5 Health Benefits Of Physical Activity

All of us want to feel better, have extra energy and add years to life. There is one effective way of achieving this – Exercise. The health benefits of physical activity are hard to ignore. Irrespective of age, sex or physical ability, everyone benefits from exercise. Here are different ways exercise can lead to a healthy and happy you.

  1.  Control weight

Regular exercise can help prevent weight gain and will also help maintain weight loss. Whenever you engage in physical activity, you end up burning calories. With high intense activities, you burn even more calories. If you cannot find the time to go to the gym every day, you simply need to get more active in the day. Choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk wherever you can and remain consistent in your efforts. 

2.     Combat health conditions 

If you are worried about health diseases and hoping to prevent high blood pressure, the best way to do it is through regular exercise. There are many health problems that regular exercise can prevent and these include Type 2 diabetes, stroke, metabolic syndrome, cancer, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety, and arthritis. It will also help improve the cognitive function and will reduce the risk of death from all causes. 

3.    Improves mood

If you need an emotional left, you need to take a brisk walk and see the difference. Physical activity can stimulate several brain chemicals which can leave you feeling relaxed, happier and less anxious. You will also feel better about your appearance and self when you happen to exercise regularly. 

4.     Boosts energy

If you tend to feel tired simply by doing household chores or from grocery shopping, physical activity will make a huge difference to you. Some of the top dc physical therapists have noticed a lot of difference in the level of energy once their patients start exercising. Regular physical activity can improve the strength of your muscles and can boost endurance. Exercise can deliver nutrients and oxygen in your tissues and will help the cardiovascular system work efficiently. 

5.      Promotes better sleep 

Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and you will get better2sleep. However, do not exercise very close to bedtime or you will be too energized to go to sleep. 

Physical activity can always make you feel better and can boost your health. You need to spend at least 150 minutes in a week towards moderate activity or 75 minutes in a week towards a vigorous activity. You can spread the activities throughout the week in swimming, walking, running or aerobics. If you have a specific goal you want to reach, you need to keep that in mind and work towards it. Before you start a new program, speak to your doctor with regard to any concerns you have about fitness and health. No matter the age, physical activity is a must and you cannot overlook the importance of the same on your health and wellbeing.


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