Sip, Savour, and Save: 6 Smart Ways to Reuse Coffee Beans in Dubai

Did you know that United Arab Emirates (UAE) residents drink about 3.5 billion coffee cups daily? This is a testament to Dubai’s bustling coffee culture, where the aroma of freshly brewed beans mingles with the city’s vibrant energy.

For many, coffee isn’t just a beverage – it’s a daily ritual, a conversation starter, and a comforting companion. That said, the UAE coffee market has undergone a remarkable transformation, shifting from traditional coffee preparation to a modern cafe culture that offers not just coffee but also an experience.

In this article, you’ll learn that coffee beans in the UAE offer more than a way to enhance your mornings. Keep reading to learn six smart ways to reuse coffee beans and contribute to a greener, more environmentally friendly community.


1. Beauty Scrub

Why throw away those used coffee grounds when they can be a natural exfoliant that helps remove dead skin cells and improve circulation? Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to creating a rejuvenating coffee scrub for skin care:


● Used coffee grounds (1/4 cup)

● Coconut oil (2-3 tablespoons)


1) Gather your used coffee grounds while they’re slightly damp after brewing.

2) Mix the coffee grounds and two to three tablespoons of coconut oil in a small bowl.

3) Stir until you achieve a paste-like texture. Adjust the oil quantity for your preferred consistency.

4) Apply a small amount of the scrub on your damp skin. Massage gently in circular motions to exfoliate.

5) Rinse your skin with warm water to reveal smoother, brighter skin. Pat dry with a clean towel.

You can also enhance the experience with a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Make sure you only exfoliate up to two to three times a week to avoid overdoing it.


2. Eye Serum

Dark circles under your eyes? Coffee’s got a solution for that, too. It wakes you up and boosts your energy and can also be a secret weapon for brightening your eyes and revitalising tired skin.

Creating your own coffee-based eye serum is a simple yet effective way to rejuvenate your eye area. Here’s how to do it:


● Half a cup of ground coffee

● Sweet almond oil

● Avocado oil

● Cheesecloth

● Essential oil for scent (optional)


1) Soak half a cup of ground coffee in sweet almond oil. Let it steep for four to five days to allow the coffee to infuse its beneficial properties into the oil.

2) After the steeping period, use cheesecloth to strain the coffee-infused oil into another bowl. This will separate the oil from the coffee grounds.

3) Once separated from the solid particles, add a tablespoon of avocado oil to the coffee-infused oil to enhance the serum’s moisturising properties.

4) Want to add a pleasant scent? Include a few drops of lavender, rosemary, chamomile or any of your preferred essential oils to the mix.

5) Transfer your freshly made eye serum into a small, airtight bottle or container. Keep it sealed properly to maintain freshness.


3. Natural Fertiliser

If you have a lot of used espresso beans in Dubai, don’t throw them in the trash just yet. Instead, use them to nurture the plants in your garden.

Most soils lack the essential nutrients needed for optimal plant development. As plants grow, they absorb these nutrients from the soil, gradually depleting it. This is where coffee grounds come to the rescue, serving as an eco-friendly and nutrient-rich natural fertiliser.

Coffee grounds contain essential minerals for plant growth, including:

● Nitrogen

● Calcium

● Potassium

● Iron

● Phosphorus

● Magnesium

● Chromium

They can also absorb heavy metals that can contaminate the soil, creating a safer environment for your plants to grow.

On top of that, coffee grounds also attract earthworms. These helpful workers help aerate the soil, improve its structure, and enhance nutrient distribution, all contributing to healthier plant growth.

4. Insect or Pest Repellent

Did you know coffee is a natural deterrent against unwanted pests and insects? Certain compounds found in coffee, including caffeine and diterpenes, can fend off bugs effectively.

Coffee grounds repel insects, including mosquitos, fruit flies, and beetles. They can also deter other common pests, making them a versatile pest control solution.

When sprinkled around your plants, coffee grounds create a barrier that slugs and snails are reluctant to crawl over. This protective shield helps safeguard your garden from these garden-damaging pests.

Have a pet flea problem? Coffee grounds can also come to the rescue.

Simply rub coffee grounds throughout their fur after shampooing your pet. Be sure to rinse them off after. Besides reducing fleas, some pet owners have also reported added smoothness and shine to their pets’ coats.


5. Fridge Deodoriser

Coffee grounds can also double as a natural deodoriser. This is all thanks to their nitrogen content, which helps eliminate unwanted odours in the air when combined with carbon.

Place a bowl filled with coffee grounds inside your fridge or freezer to neutralise the smell. Coffee grounds absorb and eliminate scents from spoiled or fragrant foods, keeping your food smelling fresh and your fridge odour-free.

6. Portable air freshener

Get creative by repurposing old socks or pantyhose. Fill them with coffee grounds and tie them off to create portable air fresheners. Place them in various areas that may need deodorising, such as your shoes, gym bag, bedroom drawers, under your car seat, or any other confined spaces.

6. Kitchen Cleaner and Sanitiser

Coffee also has natural properties that can boost the power of your cleaning arsenal.

Coffee grounds are naturally abrasive, effectively removing grease or grime buildup and stains on hard-to-clean surfaces.

And with their antibacterial and antiviral properties, used coffee grounds add an extra layer of sanitation to your cleaning routine. This makes them particularly useful in areas like your kitchen.

Unlock the Potential of Coffee Beyond Brewing

Embrace the versatility of coffee beans by trying at least one of these innovative methods. From skincare to pest control and kitchen cleaning, coffee grounds prove that their potential extends far beyond the coffee cup, offering eco-friendly solutions that benefit both you and the environment.

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