5 Warning Signs Of Dehydration You Should Watch Out For

5 Warning Signs Of Dehydration You Should Watch Out For

Hydration is imperative to good health because nature has made us that way. Almost 70% of the human body is made of water, which is enough to prove the significance it has. When the water in the cells falls below an optimal level, you tend to get dehydrated. When this happens, the normal physical functions come to a standstill and you start feeling sick. This is the time when you need to replenish the water levels in your body immediately. But how do you come to know that your hydration levels are sub-optimal?  Of course, you will feel thirsty but there is much more that you need to be watchful about. There are some warning signs of dehydration that you should be aware of so that you can take quick action. Let us list them out for you.

Less frequent urination 

Since dehydration means that you don’t have enough water in your body, you will urinate less frequently than usual. Besides the frequency, the color of urine also indicates the status of hydration. If you are dehydrated, the color will be darker rather than the normal pale yellow. Increase your water intake if you experience either of these symptoms and see a doctor if they persist.

Dry skin and lips

Another warning sign that you should be vigilant about is the dryness of your skin and lips. Loss of elasticity in your skin is a serious concern as it indicates severe dehydration. Try pinching the skin on your wrist and see if it returns to normal or simply sticks together. Drinking plenty of water and hydrating drinks such as coconut water and herbal teas is the best solution.

Confusion and dizziness 

Surprisingly, the symptoms of dehydration go beyond the physical ones and you may also experience confusion and dizziness. Matt Heistan from AZIVMedics.com explains that cognitive performance begins to decline at very early stages of dehydration, making it important to take in enough fluids. If you feel thirsty and dizzy at the same time, don’t ignore the feeling because it may mean that your body is running low on water.

Rapid heartbeat

Another sign that you should watch out for is the rapid heartbeat and heavy breathing. It is normal to experience them after physical vigorous activity. But when they happen at rest, your body may be signaling a lack of hydration. See a doctor immediately and they will probably put you on an IV treatment if the water levels are seriously low.


If your body is severely depleted, you may feel light-headed and even pass out subsequently. This feeling may also be accompanied by low blood pressure, fever, and chills. The condition can get serious if you fail to take prompt action. The best thing to do would be to drink water and hydrating liquid. Also, you must seek medical attention sooner rather than later.

Even though dehydration can have adverse consequences, people do not take it seriously. Timely action can be life-saving because things can become dangerous if you don’t address them quickly. Therefore, being aware of these symptoms is critical to saving yourself from trouble. 

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